And the Whirlwind continues….

Wow, I don’t know if it’s just me, but there’s been a lot going on in my life lately. Just before Christmas my girlfriend of 8 years finally moved in with me for good, it’s been great having her around so far, just takes a bit of getting used to not being by myself all the time. Along with our 8 year anniversary, I also turned 25 this past weekend, a milestone I’m told. My girlfriend set up a surprise party with a bunch of my friends, we had a great time but I really didn’t need the bottles of Jager and Goldschlager which made for a messy night on my part. (Thanks for that guys)

Early this year I just hit my first anniversary of full-time employment with my current company, coincidentally on the exact day that I handed in my resignation after accepting a job at a new company. Getting ready for the new job has been pretty demanding too, refreshing my PHP skills and getting my head back into a developer’s mindset instead of the help desk one it’s in now. It’s been tricky but I think I’m really ready. I’ve also solidified my plans to get my .Net certification, although now I am going to do the 2005 track which, unfortunately, most of the training materials for have not been released yet.

My friends tell me that moving to a small company is going to cost me a lot of my free time and that they’ll never see me again. I’m not sure how true that is, but I’m really excited to find out what working in a real development shop is like. Everywhere I’ve worked in the past I’ve been the sole Windows programmer, or even the only tech guy on staff. It’ll be different having others reading through my code and critisizing my ideas. I think it’s going to be a great working and learning experience.

We shall see.

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